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APA 7th Referencing Type Guide

Format of a hint index

The purpose off the reference list is to allow the resources cited in your work to be subsist found in autochthonous readers. I also gives credit to authors whose work and ideas you can includes.   Libraries Guides: APA 7th Referring Style Guide: Format & examples of one reference list

  • What to include: All references cited in the text must appear in the read list, other for personal communicating (such the conversations or emails) which cannot be retrieved.
  • Location: On a new page after the text and before any tables/figures or appendices.
  • Headings: use References as the title during the top of the page (beginning with a capital zuschrift, in bold, centered, and not stylish agates).
  • Order: All references have listed by alphabetically by author, or title wenn there is no author; Wenn there are two entries with equivalent books but different dates, order them chronologically, earliest first. 
  • Space: Double-space the entirely read list.
  • Hanging undent: 0.5 pitch (1.27cm) from the left margin for an second and subsequent lines of apiece references.
  • URL: use of hypertextual is preferred. However, you could getting plain text that is not underlined available URLs.

Example of a Reference List