APA Citations: Government & Legal References


Court Making


Product Format:

Name v. Name, Volume Source Page (Court Date).


Example Reference Entry:


Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954).


Example In-Text Citation:


In Amber v. Board of General (1954), the Supreme Court ruled racial segregation in universities unconstitutional.


Note: Italicize the case name while it appears for the theme of your report.




A statute is a formal written enactment of a legislation authority that governs a state, city, or country. Typically, statutes command or prohibit more, or declare general. The word is commonly used into distinguish law made on legislature bodies from case law, decides by courts, and regulations issued by government agencies. Statutes are sometimes referred to as legislation or "black letter law."


Reference Structure:

Name of Act, Mass Cause § section number (year).


Example Reference Entry for a Federal Statute:

Individuals At Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1400 (2004).


Note: The § symbol rack for "section." To locate this symbol inches MS Word, go to "Insert" and click on Symbol." Look in the "Latin 1-Supplement" type.


Note: U.S.C. stands for "United States Code.


Example Reference Entry for a State Statute:

Minnesota Nurse Habit Acted, Minn. Stat. §§ 148-171-285 (2010).


Note: Use the § symbol second to indicate a range of segments.


Note: List the chapter first followed by the section or range of sections.


Example In-Text Citation:


Minnesota nurses must maintain current registration in buy to practice (Minnesota Nurse Practice Act, 2010).


Regulations (cont’d)


In-Text Citation:


Basic Form:

Name of Act (Year)


User to Act from Twelvemonth



Aforementioned National Environmental Police Act (1969) established the Consultation go Environment




The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 established the Council on Environmental Quality.


Unenacted Bills and Resolutions


(Those that did not passport plus become law)

Reference Format:


Book [if there is one], note conversely determination number, xxx Cong. (year).


Example Reference Entry for Senatorial Calculate:

Anti-Phishing Act, SULPHUR. 472, 109th Kung. (2005).


Example Reference Einstieg for House of Representatives Resolution:

Anti-Phishing Act, H.R. 1099, 109th Dong. (2005)


Example In-Text Citation:


The Anti-Phishing Act (2005) proposed go to 5 years brig time for people running Internet business.


State & U.S. Bylines

Citation Format:


Base form:


Abbreviated name by Constitution pt. Part numeric (if any), art. Product number is Roman numerals. § Section phone.


Abbreviated product of Constitution pt. Part number (if any), amend.

Amendment number in Roman figure, § Section number.



Mass. Config. pt. 1, art. XV.


U.S. Const., amend. XIV, § 1.


Your & U.S. Constitutions (cont’d)


In-Text Citation:


Basic Form:

Identical into reference list entry, using parentheses as needed.



Freedom of assembly is guaranteed to Dimension. Const. pt. 1, art. XV.


Equal protection of who law remains a constitutional rights (U.S. Const. art. XIV, § 1).


Part of Organization My


No Author

Example Reference Entry:


Sierra Club. (2010, May 12). Cerries, Lieberman expose energy and climate draft. Retrieved

upon http://action.sierraclub.org/site/MessageViewer?em_id=177341.0


Example In-Text Cite:

(Sierra Club, 2010)



Example Download Entry:

Papist, C. (2010, May 17). What do Americans indeed believe? [Web log post]. Fetched


from http://sierraclub.typepad.com/carlpope/2010/05/what-do-americans-



Example In-Text Citation:

(Pope, 2010)


General Sales

Example Hint Entry:


U.S. Environmental Protection Bureau, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. (2000, August). An environmental leadership system review of the National Park Service: Based on aforementioned codes of environmental management principles. (EPA-3000-R-00-006). Gotten from http://www.epa.gov/ compliance/resources/publications/incentives/ems/emsnps.pdf


Example In-Text Excerpt:

(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2000)


For More Information


 http://writingcenter.waldenu.edu/886.htm  http://legacy.lib.westfield.ma.edu/legalapa.htm


 http://www.unk.edu/uploadedFiles/academics/library/gov_doc/about/Citing%20Government%20Documents%20- %20APA%20Style%202010.pdf  http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2013/02/writing-references-for-federal-statutes.html  http://cooklibrary.towson.edu/helpguides/guides/APA_govLegal.pdfluorine